
Welcome to the Master Damon web site of Doctors Rafael García Espejo and Ramón Perera, who are internationally renowned for the quality of their teaching and their careful finishing of every clinical case.
On this web site, you will find all the information you need to know about the specialisation courses in the Damon System that the doctors are currently giving in different parts of Europe.
The Damon Master consists of 4 two-day modules generally held on weekends or on days close to the weekend . The interval between modules is usually 2 to 3 months.
At the end of the Master, students have the option to attend a 5th practical module at the clinics of Drs. García Espejo (Córdoba) and Perera Grau (Lleida).
Optionally, students can take a short practical course as a fifth clinical module, at the clinics of Drs. García Espejo (Córdoba) and Perera Grau (Lleida) with the following content:
Doctors García Espejo and Perera have international recognition for their experience accumulated throughout the years. Their eagerness to spread their knowledge has led them to organize this Master of Specialization in the Damon System which is currently taught in different countries.
Get in touch with us, we will make our best to answer any concerns you may have
Do you want to register for the Damon Master? It's very easy! Send us your contact information through the following form and we will contact you shortly to give you more information.
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us and we will answer as soon as possible.