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14 Juil

Course at the University of Alcalá (CEPUME)

Little by little, life is gradually regaining a certain air of (the new) normality. Similarly, the teaching activity in Dr Perera’s agenda is also getting back to normal. This is something that, albeit with new safety measures and protocols, we had been looking forward to for some time.

On this occasion, the first teaching activity after the lockdown took place at the University of Alcalá (CEPUME). Dr Perera taught a course on the Damon System to students studying the 3rd year of the Master’s Degree in Orthodontics. This course, which is run by Dr Manuel Román, introduces young dentists to all the possibilities that this technique can offer before they enter the world of work.

The course was a marvellous experience. After an enforced pause of several months, Dr Perera was able to meet students whose enthusiasm to learn was similar to his to teach them. Let’s continue!





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