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08 jan

Dr. Perera takes part in SEDO 2016

SEDO is one of the main scientific societies of Spanish Dentistry since 1954. It belongs to an international community with other organizations such as the WFO (World Federation of Orthodontists), or the FEO (European Federation of Orthodontists).

With the objective of promoting connections, knowledge and presence at an international level, meetings and congresses are held, such as the one held on the 18th and 19th of November in Madrid, to which our Doctor was invited as a speaker.

The participants took advantage of the intervention of Dr. Perera to learn firsthand about the Damon System, a technique in which he has international recognition. They did so in a meeting where the clinical and scientific level of orthodontics in our country became clear.

As Albert Einstein put it: "The mind is like a parachute - it only works if it opens!". For that reason, and also because it is essential to continue striving to put the best of orthodontics in the hands (or mouths) of our patients, it is necessary to continue to believe that behind this field there is still great potential not only to be discovered but also to work on.

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